moments with Robert

Created by MO 6 years ago

From the first moment that I met Robert, I felt accepted by him. It was on my first retreat with Unmani, in Albufeira. She was pregnant from Sky. 

Dutch is my mother tongue, just like Robert's. Being the only two Dutchies gave us a special bond.

Moments with Robert

- Paris. Unmani gave a retreat in the house they had rented. Sky was still a baby. During the meetings, Robert took care of Sky. He also wanted to attend all the meetings. The only way to do that was standing, carrying Sky, winded in a shawl in front of him. As soon as he sat down, Sky started crying. So he had to stand all the time.

- Mértola. He noticed that I was exhausted and disappointed, and said something kind to me. I felt seen and understood, and save enough to cry a bit.

- The last retreat, when we all were on the beach, he went away and came back with ice creams for each of us.

- In the swimming pool, playing with Sky.

- During the meals, feeding Sky or teasing him. 

- In India, when he saw a man being attacked and beated, he spontaneously screamed that they had to stop it. Afterwards he realized that this could have been dangerous for himself, but in that moment he just acted.

- His funny face, when he was eating the healthy fruit breakfast that Unmani prepared for him.

- Our working together on posters, house style, podcast, transcribing recordings. I still have some emails that were ready to send him. 

- In my house: the 3 of us on the sofa, all looking at one laptop, talking about how to improve the website.

- In Armação de Pêra, in a café on the beach, giving an online couple session with Unmani. 

- And may more.

When I think of Robert I see him with twinkling eyes, attentive, social, caring.

I miss him, as my buddy in supporting Unmani's work, but even more as a friend. 
