mariannevanrossen 21st March 2018

Robert was born 6 years and 11 months after I was born. He the youngest I as the oldest. At first when he was born I was very angry and dissapointed, cause I wanted to have a sister and not a brother. Ah well it turned out alright. Robert was like bit overweightas a toddler, het falled a lot. d to look after him and my other younger broter Richard pretty often. Our parents went out, mother went to work etc. Robert has been in hospital few times. First when he was 5 years of age with meningitus, that was a havy period. Then when I was watching him, he felt down a fence and damaged his kidney, he went to the hospital once again don't remember how long. Then after he was racing his bicycle looking at the dashboard how fast he was going, run into a lamppost and broke his leg several places, he was in hospital for a long time with pens in his leg. 1973-1978 I've lived with someone from Denmark for 3,5years. My Danish friend was the one who gave Robert his first guitar. From that day forward the guitar and he were inseparable. Robert went to a music teacher but after approx two years the teacher told him he couln't learn him anymore. So Robert went the conservatory. Pressure was to high so he left in his last year I believe. At that time I didn't live at home anymore. Anecdote: My brothers were often doing things they were not supposed to do, that's how it goes with boys(sometimes also girls afcourse) One day I was watching my brothers when tehere was a knock on the door, there were two policeman standing there. Wow it scared the hell out of me. Half our before I had heard firetrucs. Okay so there were the policeman, for whom I had great respect. I was shaking a bit, they told me that Robert made a fire with a mirror shining in the reed fields. It burned fast , Robert had run home and was hiding haha. I called him, policemen spoke to him. That was it. I never told my parents, my little brother MMM. They didn't need to know. What else can I tell. I can tell that Robert had very high IQ. In the second schoolyear of elementary school, there as a test . It seemed that he belonged to the 10% best students of The Netherlands, My father was proud and everyone needed to know.Fortunatly Robert drawn his own path. Did everything our father did not want to see for him. Hahahaha he turned out very well. He was happy he was free. That is more important than all the materialistic stuff. He was a warm person. Left us three beautiful sons. Robert fly high, high in the Sky you are free now. I love you and will continue to love you and yours boys for always.